Mancom Edition
News Letter
From the Captain
For the last ten months in office the “Dream Team” has been fully engaged in creating a conducive environment for enjoyment of golf and related activities.
We have noted with great satisfaction tremendous support from the Board of Trustees and members in general. Some members have given back to the club through various ways including, but not limited to, servicing on sub committees, material giving and technical and professional support.
The Dream Team has for the most part been engaged in strengthening the vital elements necessary for the restoration of the dignity of the club and its membership through good corporate governance and discipline practices. Thanks to members for supporting our combined effort in restoring order and discipline in the club.
Our main focus has been to enhance strong and sound structures for sustainable growth through human capital development and infrastructure improvement .We are in the final stages of a staff restructuring process aimed at improved service delivery. The creation of an underpass to link up the two parts of the course will start in the next few weeks. The exercise will result in some temporary inconvenience but in the end we shall be all be winners.
The challenge of the unplayable course occasioned by the adverse weather conditions has given us a challenge to examine the design of the course and rethink how to make changes going forward. We applaud members for the show of solidarity during the times we had to close the course.
As we begin the new year 2020 my prayer is for God to grant you your hearts desires as we continue to serve mankind.
Emmanuel Wamala
Course News / Updates
The golf course is arguably the most important part of any golfing establishment. In this regard the current Committee promised to make substantial improvements on the course in order to make golf enjoyable to all members. To begin with the Committee sought and recruited a qualified Course Operations Manager who joined the Club in July 2019. Since his arrival Mr. Farayi Chitengwa has been putting in place systems aimed at ensuring that course interventions are well planned in order to maximize the use of the limited equipment. So far, the Course Operations Manager has been able to introduce professionalism in the way the tees, the general areas and the greens are routinely maintained and managed. As a result of the changed method of work, improvements on the course are becoming noticeable. In addition, the maintenance and servicing of course equipment are now scheduled and documented.
Whereas we are now more organized in dealing with course improvements, the recent excessive rains brought major challenges and interrupted several planned activities. Notably, the planned improvements of tee boxes had to be delayed as several equipment could not access the course, without inflicting a lot of damage. Similarly, the planned improvement of tractor bridges was also delayed. We are however happy to report that works on some of the delayed activities have begun in earnest. For example, the tractor bridge between hole No. 8 and hole No. 9 has been expanded; and the one between holes 3 and 5 will also be done soon. The excessive rains also exposed the inadequacy of the course drainage systems. We are, however, happy to report that key interventions have been agreed upon to overhaul the drainage systems along the most affected holes, namely holes 3, 4, 10 and 12. The remedial works along the mentioned holes have begun and should be completed by February 2020. Further improvements on course drainage will be part and parcel of the bigger picture of course redesign and irrigation.
The position of our course equipment and machinery is rather precarious. This had been aggravated by the lack of reliable source or supplier of spare parts. The good news is that we have now identified a reliable supplier of equipment spare parts, and we are now in a position to plan procurement and stocking of fast moving parts. However, in order to be able to upgrade our course equipment we need a lot of money, which cannot possibly be funded through the regular budget. Therefore, we need to think out of the box and find other ways of raising money, including organizing fundraising events.
It would not be appropriate not to mention the ongoing and planned road projects that are impacting on our course and course operations. We do not know yet the full extent of the impact of the construction of the Yussf Lule flyover road will have on our course. In the case of the ongoing expansion of the John Babiha Road, popularly referred as Acacia Avenue, some of the impacts are clearly visible. In the case of this particular project, however, we are glad to report that KCCA is providing an under pass for safe crossing of golfers and equipment, while accessing to two sections of the course. In addition, KCCA is going to construct a new Caddy Shed, as the existing one had to be demolished to pave way for the construction of the under pass.
Lastly, we wish to make mention of the landmark event that took place in October last year when the Committee successfully organized a tree planting event, when 1600 tree seedling were planted on the course to increase forest cover. Most of the seedlings have survived and are beginning to grow. The Committee will continue to identify new additional sections of the course that require more trees and would like to invite any individuals or organizations to joint hands with the club to conserve the environment.
Paul Nuwagaba
Membership Updates
Membership cuts across all sections of club activities and so is a beehive of activity. This is exactly what it has been since we took office.
Membership Sub Committee which chaired by myself is composed of eminent members of the club namely Mr. Charles Kareba, Mr. Charles Katarikawe, Dr. Sam Byagagaire and Mr Emma Wamala. I would like to take this opportunity to thank these members for their dedicated support to our work.
Since taking office we have:
- Edited the new members application form to reflect the requirements of the 2019 Constitution.
- Reviewed and edited the information manual that is handed out to new applicants.
- Introduced UGX 100,000 access fee for new members; paid to cater for the period before full membership is granted.
- Called upon members to update their details; and this is still ongoing.
- Admitted the following as new members of the club: (they are introduced to the Sub Committee for interviews by their proposers after a two week’s display of their application forms on the board)
- Collins Odhiambo Apuoyo
- Emmanuel Tayebwa
- Tampa Tom Kakaire
- Mi Yung Shin
- Nicholas Sennungi
- Joel Mwesiga
- Hillary Bamulinde
- Lucchini Laurent
- Wilbrod Humphrey Owor
- Mark Namanya
- Michael Nicholls
- Geoffrey Barigye
- Edraqueen Ayebare
- Jeong Gyu Kang
- Benon Kigozi
- Justice Jotham Tumwesigye.
- Tae Young Kim
- Jeonsgu Lee,
- Kisong Kim
Going forward we hope to:
- Embark on the induction of members
- Continue creating an environment that is conducive to members enjoyment of the club
Hillary Ndungutse
Membership Secretary
F&B News
Food and Beverages Section (F&B) is a sub-committee of the Management Committee (Mancom) set up to provide oversight in the provision of culinary services and beverages within the hospitality segment while taking care of players and members foodwise is a must. There are separate centers where these services are provided; –
- The open terrace overlooking the beautiful 18th green and fairway
- Catering and banquet operations
- Lunch buffet
- Snack-bar at the half-way house on Tee box No. 10
- ABSA Bar
- Tusker Bar in the Club House
- Wellout on top of the kitchen
To achieve this objective, at its 2018 Annual General Meeting, the members resolved to outsource the kitchen services but retained part of the beverage services that are managed in-house. The kitchen services include food, hot beverages and juices while in-house beverage services comprise of soft drinks, water and alcoholic beverages.
A beverage is any kind of liquid item that can be consumed. Foods and Beverages are best enjoyed while networking and sharing with a friend or new people met on the course while playing together.
The kitchen services were awarded to Meals-on-Wheels (MoW) after a competitive bidding process and thorough evaluation by the previous Mancom. The Current kitchen services agreement between UGC and MoW runs out/expires at the end of February 2020 and will be renewed after a performance appraisal of the current contract period.
F&B sub-committee current members are; –
- Patrick Kagoro – F&B Secretary
- Bruhan Nassur – Member
- Vincent Asiimwe – Member
- Abe Luka – Member
- Robert Kabega – Club Manager (Ex-officio)
The Sub-committee meets as and when the need arises and is attended by some of the directors of MoW. It is through these meetings that delicacies like Mongolian dishes on Ladies nights, outdoor open roasting of chicken/pork/beef skewers on club nights were introduced.
A number of complaints were registered in 2019 which included but not limited to; –
- Delays in delivery of food orders
- Forgetfulness of waiters
- Tasteless ala carte dishes
- Worn-out and outdated kitchen equipment (gas cooker, ovens and fridges)
It is believed that these issues could have resulted in low turn-out at Hole 19 on most evenings with the exception of competition days. The impact of low turn-out affect sales of F&B and hence profitability.
The challenges notwithstanding, Meals on Wheels has provided to the extent possible excellent services at their lunch buffets where members and visitors alike enjoy the yummy traditional dishes, day in, day out. Meals on Wheels has committed to continuous improvements in the al a carte dishes and have invested over UGX 3m in repairs of obsolete kitchen equipment. Several experienced chefs were consulted about the state of the kitchen and have recommended an overhaul of the kitchen more especially the equipment for better food production/output. A questionnaire will be sent out to members in the future to appraise our services and get a feedback where improvement is required. Routine inspections are regularly conducted to prevent food-borne disease. In the meantime, a mobile snack facility is under consideration at the Starters House near Tee Box No. 1
Tips for players on F&B (what you eat may be affecting your golf score!)
It is prudent to eat right before, during and after a round of golf. Making golf a unique game. You play for 4 -5 hours where you burn calories and sugar levels may go down. Unlike other high intensity sports played for 1-2 hours, studies indicate that, you have to switch your focus on and off an average of 86 times per round and then perform precise physical action which depends on how well you have prepared for it. To choose the right shot, align correctly, pick the right club, read the greens, remember your strokes and those of your mate you are marking and then make a smooth swing requires mental sharpness and physical energy that you will not have if you have not fueled your body properly (
The best foods and drinks for golf – tips for eating right
Hydrate like the tour-pros
Drinking water keeps your mind and body working properly and is critical for optimal brain function and muscle performance. Making sipping water at every Tee a habit to replace electrolytes (salts and minerals) lost through sweat as the round progresses.
Drink at least 300ml 10 – 20 minutes before your round.
Eat a pre-round meal at least 1-2 hours before your round.
Tiger normally eats grilled chicken or fish with salad and vegetables before a round of golf.
You should neither be hungry nor full. If you are diabetic, avoid poor quality (starchy) carbohydrates that raise insulin levels and cause you to eventually crush and become lethargic.
In our case, a light katogo would be ideal.
Double-bogey drinks should be drank in moderation. These drinks include; –
- Coffee (with too much caffeine)
- Fruit juice (with too much sugar)
- Soda (too much sugar)
- Energy drinks (too much caffeine and sugar)
- Fried breakfast
Golf humor (anecdotes)
- The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight – Ben Hogan
- The difference in golf and government is that in golf you can’t improve your lie – George Deukmejiau
- The only time my prayers are never answered is on a golf course – Billy Graham
- A young man and a priest are playing golf together. At a short par-3 the priest asks, “what are you going to use on this hole my son?’
The young man says, “An iron father, how about you?”
The priest says. “I am going to hit a soft 7 and pray”.
The young man hits an iron and puts the ball on the green. The priest tops the ball with his iron and dribbles the ball out a few yards.
The young man says, “I do not know about you father, but in my church where we pray we keep our heads down!”
Rhoda Kimera
House News
It was a good experience to be part of MANCOM team. The year had too many items that needed immediate changes.
The most immediate one was furniture and chairs to be specific. The club was in a desperate need of new chairs. This was a big challenge because initially all of us thought that good chairs can only be imported. It became an assignment for every member to locate a nearby source. The combined effort yielded wonderful results. We now have adequate chairs and moreover made locally.
The cleanliness around the club was no longer a concern for the team employed for this purpose. Heaps of garbage and empty glass bottles had taken over the back side of the kitchen. Mancom got involved and garbage collection is now daily.
The club storm drain around the terrace was almost collapsing and the leaked water effect could be seen in the gents washroom. Temporary remedial repairs were done which saved the structure from further damage.
The showers had inadequate water supply, both hot and cold. A new water pipe was laid right from the storage tank up to the washroom. Also water pipes around the water heaters were upgraded to a larger size. The showers now get adequate and warm water.
The club is matching with rest of the world in employing technology to enhance security. Mancom installed a 16-channel CCTV. This 24-hour surveillance is another major achievement. In the New Year we hope to improve on it even more to make the club and members’ property more secure.
We cannot forget the lighting improvement which was donated to the club by one of our members. We are indeed very grateful for this generosity. The club in this New Year needs more similar donations to make our club and its environs better place for all of us.
Happy New Year.
Doreen Mwesigye
Competition and PR desk
Dear members on behalf of the Competitions and PR committee we would like to thank you for the enormous support in our term year of 2019 and wish you a happy and prosperous 2020.
From the time we took over office a lot of engagement have happened and with our aim of working towards developing the game of golf, we successfully held a number of competitions thanks to you our members but more especially our Partners and Sponsors. We are hopeful that the year 2020 will even be more engaging and exciting.
Together with the MANCOM team we have already drafted our 2020 calendar and submitted to the Uganda Golf Union for perusal and further inclusion. We expect to Kick start the year a UGC fundraiser in January as you are all aware that we had such a challenging year as a result of unfavorable weather conditions that led to limits of having an unplayable golf course due to sogginess. The fundraiser will assist in raising funds to prepare the course for any eventualities and as well procuring the appropriate tools to boost the existing ones.
Other very important upcoming tournaments include the Kitante Open in February, The Uganda Open in August as well as adding spice to our Monthly Mug and here will give special thanks to our Partner and Sponsor STANBIC Bank.
On the PR side from the time we took office, we have tried to bring back the lost glory of UGC which is a continuous process thus 2020 we shall add more spice and creativity so that our club is cherished by both golfers and non-golfers. We intend to have more visibility both online and offline and take maximum advantage our super city location to promote the club through all avenues including Tourism.
The PR desk will engage and support all the other sections like the Food and Beverage and House to ensure that there is value for the members and appreciation from our visitors, partners and sponsors.
Once again thank you very much and together lets promote, improve and create a spirit of pride for our Club, THE UGANDA GOLF CLUB, relate with all other clubs and golfers near and far and the Uganda Golf Union.
Paul Rukundo
Competition and PR secretary.
Consistent with MANCOM’s focus on restoration of the dignity of the Club, the Finance function has been working towards enhancing corporate governance at UGC.
This is being achieved by developing procedures and practices aimed at ensuring transparency in the Club’s transactions and mitigating financial risk and exposure through implementation of sustainable controls integrity assurance systems.
Some of the key initiatives undertaken include
- Under the Chairmanship of David Balaka, the UGC Procurement and Contracts Committee comprising of John Mugyenzi, Nester Byamugisha, Sam Ssebaduka, Agatha Abaho Aine and Patrick Billy has developed a Procurement & Disposal Manual which was adopted by MANCOM in October.
The Manual is based on the PPDA’s procurement and disposals principles and guidelines tailored to UGC’s structure and requirements. The Committee is in the process of developing working instructions and forms to be used in implementing the guidelines set out in the Manual. This is the first time UGC will have formal documented procurement and disposals procedures which are scheduled for implementation in January 2020.
- Implementing the control findings set out in UGC’s Statutory Auditors (Jim Roberts) Audit Management Letter covering the 2016-2017 and 2018 Financial Statements.
The table below shows the closure status of the findings with 80% of the comments closed and work ongoing to close out the remaining 13 open items.
Financial Year | Open Findings | Closed Findings | Total Findings | ||||||
High | Med | Low | High | Med | Low | High | Med | Low | |
2016-2017 | 1 | 6 | 4 | 10 | 15 | 11 | 11 | 21 | 15 |
2018 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 9 | 1 | 8 | 10 | 1 |
Total | 2 | 7 | 4 | 17 | 24 | 12 | 19 | 31 | 16 |
% age | 20% | 80% | 100% |
- Obtained MANCOM and Board of Trustees endorsement to implement the recommendations of the 2016 Enterprise Risk Management Review.
The review had prioritised 4 key high risk processes (Income Generating Activities, Procurement & Payables, Inventory Management and Cash & Banking) and using Controls Integrity Assurance System tools developed controls to identify and mitigate the inherent risk/exposure.
Cash and Banking was selected as the pilot for rolling out the recommended controls which is ongoing and will be implemented in January 2020. Procurement & Payables will be handled as part of implementation of the Procurement and Disposals Manual in January 2020.
- Introduced a Balance Sheet Account Management (BSAM) review process aimed at ensuring the integrity of UGC’s balance sheet.
BSAM involves reviewing each balance sheet account to confirm that the reported balances are valid and supported by identifiable assets, receivables and payables. There still a number of historical issues being worked as the validation process continues to evolve.
The challenges of the Club’s accounting records and financial statements are a matter of record. The primary focus of the UGC Finance function is to remedy the situation which is ongoing but it will take time before we can
Patrick Kagoro
I wish to thank the general membership for the trust and confidence entrusted to ManCom which has enabled the team to effectively carry out and fulfill most of the projected and approved activities of the year.
Constant reminders to members in respect of payments of their dues have been effectively shared on email and WhatsApp. To those who failed to effect the payments, we sent written membership termination letters to them. The affected members will be expected to reapply for membership and will pay all the outstanding dues before ManCom will give it’s consideration for reinstatement of such former members.
Disciplinary cases have been minimal. I therefore wish to thank members for having honoured the club’s rules and regulations at all times.
We further thank members for the endless support and contributions towards ManCom’s appeal whenever there are club staff undertaking very expensive medical bills.
As Hon. Secretary, I would like to assure the general membership that proper record keeping is paramount as well as safe custody of all Club assets and implementation of all general meeting decisions.
We encourage members to share their views and opinions with the Hon. Secretary’s office for follow up and better management.
Wishing you all a prosperous and a fully-fledged golfing year.
Happy 2020
Ruth Ssali